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Old April 27th, 2012, 08:48 AM

TigerBlood TigerBlood is offline
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Default Re: Blood and Booze - (Running)

Why would I ask someone to sub when I have already been defeated? This is not an academic debate, it's simple math. Checkmate in 5 moves, so to speak. I could not change the outcome if I wished to. Why would someone want to step into that position?

I assure you, Marverni's position is not salvageable. If I had the resources to put up a good fight, I would stay in the game. Unfortunately, I have lost significant resources already and will not be able to recover sufficient force in time to deal with 2 hosile nations.

Getting your panties in a twist because I had to courtesy to explain why I was going AI, instead of simply bailing, is ridiculous.
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