I rushed EA Pan as EA Mictlan in New Years New Game. Basically, I hit him about turn 10, popped his forts under construction, then sat on his capitol with 40 jags or so. My plan was to domkill him with blood sac rather than siege him down, but he got impatient and tried to see if 300 maeneds can kill 40 jags backed up by imps (they can't) so the s iege was able to conclude before the domkill.
But basically, if aby can park on your cap he can blood sac you to death rather than tear down your walls. Obviously it's a pain to have so many resources tied up in a siege, but it's oft times the only way. Keep in mind, Pan's in a really desirable corner position, so taking him down should be Aby's first goal. hopefully (for Aby) R'yleh won't poach the island while he does.
EA Mictlan can rush anybody. They even have freespawn troops (slaves) so they could counter whatever maenads one could get.
Blood sac is a viable strategy provided there's no other blood nation in the game. I mean, if Aby tried to blood-sac, I would ask for blood slaves to counter-blood sac. This would result in a stalemate during which their expensive wizard priests wouldn't be researching, and thus it would be a distinct advantage for whoever lent/gave me blood slaves, unless they were allies with Mictlan.
Also, Abysia has a very low dominion score, while I have a very high one. At this stage, it should be clear that his dominion is so low he would require a lot of energy in order to domkill me (plus building a temple, preferably protecting it with a fort). Mictlan usually has a very high dominion in order to produce ****loads of its cheap sacred units, and they also have to blood sac, so it better be effective. The situation is very different here. Abysia has a low dominion score, so is unlikely to domkill me without a lot of investment and time. Such a blood sac would inevitably piss off its other neighbours. One-on-one, the strategy would definitely work. In a game with several opponents, I predict that it may be far too expensive, as it would mark Abysia as a target for all its other neighbours.