Originally Posted by Valerius
Fair point, but it's still a bad change since the reduced fatigue means you can script more castings in the first five turns. And the nations that benefit most from this, in particular Jotun with its recruit-everywhere skratti, didn't need the boost. Don't know why this change was made and hopefully it will either be undone or the casting requirements increased.
Oh I didn't say it wasn't a bad change

I was just doing my usual correcting people who post faulty mechanics (I did it politely this time as well

FWIW, I think Blood is horribly broken and OP in CBM (Edit - Removing SDR's is nothing more than a flesh wound), and not far off that in vanilla. But as least in vanilla Blood was kept in check with Gem Gens (Edit - And no, fixing a broken game feature with another broken game feature is not a good idea, in fact it's a truly awful idea. Thought I'd point this out before any Gem Gen lovers jump on this quote and use it for their stupid argument). But without Gem Gens Blood can just rule the game once you get a mega Blood economy going, since every Blood spell/ritual is either ridiculously cheap, ridiculously powerful, or both in most cases. And Blood summons are not exactly bottom of the food chain. But I've ranted about all this before in many CBM chats and nothing's been done about it, so I've just stopped moaning about it now (the community cheers

Originally Posted by momfreeek
Originally Posted by Calahan
You can not use extra slaves to temporarily increase one casting level on the battlefiled in the same way you can use extra gems to do this.
Oh, thats news, thx.
Can you use extra slaves to reduce fatigue? I'm not quite clear if thats just a side-benefit of the level boosting mechanic..
Oh you can still burn extra slaves to reduce fatigue, as that mechanic has nothing to do with using extra gems to temporarily raise your spell casting level.
In fact with Blood spells it's just about impossible to stop the the AI chomping through the slave pile and using as many slaves as his Blood level allows. As most of the Blood battlefield spells are such high fatigue that the AI will always look to reduce it as much as possible with slave burning. Although you can stop this during the first round of battle (several rounds if you want to get fancy) with clever commander placement, but it's very fiddly to do and generally not worth it since slaves are cheap as hell anyway (hint slaves need to be on a different commander to the mage using them).