Re: Fear of the Dark – LA Game - running
Ah, yea I also feel like quitting. I have already done most of the interesting tricks that I would like to try out in this game. Still I did not think that the game would end already on turn 39. I have never heard of something like that before. To rush the world with Patala is absurd.
To my various enemies:
I feel that I have been quite cruel to HoleyDooley during our war. Why? Because I never fought him seriously! The truth is I could never really spare much of an army to invade him because all my armies were needed to fight the invading force of C'tis. But because he was using no magic, I could freely harass him with raiders and psudo-SC like Dakinis. His lack of magic meant he had no counters initially and although you cant win a war with raiders alone, I did cripple his economy and forced him to spend so much energy defending against raids that he could not invade me for real. He eventually did learn how to fight my raiders. But by then it was all too late. That Agartha was not dead and had armies still marching was also a plus.
I feel that the biggest mistake Ulm did was to take Drain 2 scales! Seriously! I have won a game with LA Ulm once and in that game I was sporting Magic 3 scales! Magic wins wars people! And stop raiders.
Mattyburn7s empire was almost the polar opposite of the ulmish empire. Lots of magic research and big communions that you would have to be a fool to face in open combat. But unlike Ulm, the empire of Bogarus was tiny and had few resources. It was comparably easy to disrupt its economy. And though I absolutely did not want to fight those armies of his head on, I eventually developed a counter weapon called "Doombreed" that could fight them and be safe. Doombreed was an awesome idea that I'm very proud of actually. Amazing that he got some 300 kills from only 2 battles.
But yea, Bogarus would have been much more dangerous with a stronger early game I think. And turn 1 RoS and Earthquake counters.
The big enemy. The one I spent most of my armies fighting. Sauromancers are *****es and he would definitively have done better on a smaller map. But as it was I could play evasive and dodge around until I had researched counters to sauromancers and bone chariots. In fact, one of the problems I had with him is actually that he did not have enough bone chariots. There are few things that C'tis can spend death gems on that are better that its undead priests. C'tis is the land of drowning the world in chariots, not moderation! In retrospect I should probably have raided him more. But I only have so many raiders and most of them were out picking on easier marks.
Agartha: I guess?
Sorry Ghoul, but you never really had a chance here. You spent far too long bottled up inside your capitol to have a fighting chance. Now, Sepulschrals are actually hard to fight as they can just two shot my thugs. But I did have an army on my way in your direction of the same kind that fought C'tis on the eastern land strip. I assure you that you would have fared no better than he did, and for the same reasons. Nagas are really the strongest Mages in this game. Unfairly powerful really, if you know what you are doing.