Today’s turn AAR is brought to you by “The Bravery” - click the turn names for awesome 80s music.
CLICK IT NOW. Open multiple windows and play it two or three times at once out of sync. You’ll be so happy.
Not what I was expecting at all.
So what happens?
Their undead cavalry hit my infantry line, and manage to kill many of them as well as our slingers while our chariot archers swing around and destroy their zombies (soulless) and finally their mound kings. We force a rout.
But we lose much of our infantry and slingers.
Here you can see our barbarian commander and his chariots converging with the forces that just lost so many men to try and take another province. All the forces that routed in that last battle have run to the province ‘Stark’ is attacking from but unfortunately barb commander leadership sucks so he can’t pick them up to reform our forces.
What do we have ready for those lizardmen?
I’m hoping this is a functional pincer movement. We’ll see what happens. You can see that attrition has basically wittled down my initial expansion party and forced me to keep feeding forces to this command instead of starting a second expansion party. Its sort of pathetic but its turn 7 and I am still only taking one province per turn. This is a horrible initial expansion rate.