Originally Posted by shard
I am planning to start a CBM 1.92 game as LA Jomon, mainly since I only just noticed the huge number of changes they seem to have gotten since I last played.
I was wondering if you guys had any general tips. I also have a couple of questions:
1) Does MA/LA Jomon have fixed coastal starts? Can I still be competitive if I dont start next to water? (No Ryujin)
2) Scales production seems like a no-brainer, but I am not so sure about luck/turmoil or order/misfortune. Are the potential heroes and extra gems worth it; in lieu of trying to spam castles for the non-cap mages and their upkeep?
I do wonder though if all those mikos would be comfortable travelling with all those summoned youkai around though... Anyway, I have a soft spot for Jomon (hint: my location) so thanks and keep up the good work with the modding! お疲れ様でした!
1) LA Jomon does have a coastal start preference. We tried to give one to MA Jomon but that is, unfortunately, not something you can mod into a nation so they are placed like any other land nation. However, MA Jomon can recruit their amphibious UW units from their capital (Ryujin, Shark Warriors, etc.) if needed, which helps out if they end up land-locked.
2) The heroes of MA Jomon are worth pursuing with Luck. LA Jomon, less so. Both nations are ravenous for gems so going magic + luck for the gem events is a defensible choice. As MA or LA Jomon, going Order2/3 + Production2/3 + Misfortune2 or something along those lines can work out well since both Order and Onmyo-ji (with their fortune-teller ability) will help mitigate bad events.
3) A better question is if those spirits feel safe traveling with all those Mikos/Onna Bushi and their undead/demon slaying weaponry around.
Glad you like the nation, Shard. Try the mod and let us know what you think sometime; we'd appreciate the feedback.