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Old May 2nd, 2012, 11:03 AM

Bat/man Bat/man is offline
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Default Re: Smiting Season (newb-intermediate, LA, CBM 1.92) recruiting one more!


Everyone has been such a good sport, that I support Groundworm's decision either way.


I am so disappointed. Your absence means dinner is now a few steps farther away. I had so looked forward to savoring your marrow cracked from your large bones, now that you've been properly fattened.

I had so looked forward to the vinyard of your blood, hot and salty. And what repast would be complete without music - the lamentations of your women and children - and the sweet smell of razed buildings and farms.

And there is, indeed, a sense of progress and fulfilment to see your dead bodies work my fields to my greater glory.

Perhaps another time, then? To my greater glory - Death my delight - Bogarus my chosen instrument...

Prince of Death
Enemy of Children
etc. etc.
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