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Old May 2nd, 2012, 01:40 PM

Hishtagat Hishtagat is offline
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Default Re: Introduce yourself!! :-)

Hola, I'm one of those (not so rare I'd guess) people who actually came here due to Conquest of Elysium III. I tried it, liked it but felt it lacking in depth department. And so I saw Dominions 3 mentioned and stumbled all the way here to get a copy.

I've been playing for around 3 weeks. As I've always had a thing for complex strategies, I'm enjoying it immensely but obviously the complexity goes only so far in single player. So I am contemplating making a switch to multi player in some very close but unspecified future.

As such I have a question, which will hopefully spare me browsing all the ongoing/finished game threads in search for an answer. Do any people actually play medium+ games without use of the PBEM? By medium I'm thinking 10 players or more average here. Would it actually be plausible to organize long sessions of TCP/IP to play a match that size, or would there be, in your experience, a complete lack of people interested?
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