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Old May 3rd, 2012, 12:45 PM

SsSam SsSam is offline
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Default Re: Scales for the Jomon in CBM 1.92

Originally Posted by Calahan View Post
As a general rule you should only ever take Magic 3, Magic 1,I have not seen, or will I ever see, a good build for any nation that involves either Magic 0, Magic 2 or Drain 1 (not unless some major gameplay changes get patched/modded in).
I can understand that if you are going to take Drain 1, you might as well take the battlefield hit and take Drain 2 since it won't make your research any worse and it gives you +40 for your pretender to use elsewhere.

Likewise, I can see that taking Magic 2 makes spells marginally easier to cast than Magic 1, but is not worth 40 design points.

I'm a bit surprised to see Magic 0 on your list and I can't immediately come up with a straightforward reason why you think this would be prohibited.

On the other hand, I've read enough of your posts to be confident that you have a good reason for excluding what seems to me to be the balanced magic 0 option. Would you mind explaining?
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