Originally Posted by Calahan
Originally Posted by Bat/man
Take Bogarus, as one example.
No offense, but when talking about Magic scales/research efficiency, you can never simply say "Take the most powerful research nation in the game, as one example". As if you do that then any point you make, no matter how valid it might be, is rendered mute because you chose the most extreme example possible to make the point with.
Look man, I'm not going to match your Forum-foo. I've little interest in arguing about how to make an argument.
If this were an interesting discussion, I would likewise say that any advice that says "I will *never* see a good Magic-0 build (paraphrase)" is also rendered
I gave two examples that occurred off the top of my head. But it really is not that difficult to give other examples.
For example:
You have a pretender choice that you *really* love and want to play. The build is
[Exact build here, includes: Unluck 3]
And you still have to come up with 40 more design points.
You may well choose to drop magic to 0 rather than drop to death -3. Not so much because of the - to population, but because of unlocking the horrendous death events.
For another example:
You have EA-Arco with the Titaness pretender. You have something like 35 RP per turn with the pretender - and tons of available RP with the philosophers.
In many cases, all you need to do is obtain your research objects fast enough to support your goals. Once that occurs your priorities are better spent in other areas.
Or you start with expensive old age mages. You may need growth more than research to keep your mages alive.
Always true - no, of course not. But, lets take a step back: Do you really think there are *no* good magic-0 builds?