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Old May 4th, 2012, 10:41 AM

Snacktime Snacktime is offline
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Default Re: SP dominion kills on turn 1

I'm using CBM 1.92. This happened to me on a couple maps, but yes I believe they are maps I downloaded with fixed starts, so it may be that i added more AI than fixed starts. Still, pretty asinine and I'm still surprised how much I'm seeing it happen. It seems like even if the AI picked stupidly low dominion, he'd still only be dom killed on turn one if you have a very close high-dom neighbor or some unlucky event. In one start like 5 nations died from dom-kill on turn one! I feel like something else must be going on here.

As far as ways to make the AI play less dumbly, I am all ears. Better Independents helps but of course doesn't make their pretender design any less dumb or avoid these turn one dominion kills.

I tried starting with all nations human so I could design their pretenders, but then when I converted to AI control I couldn't figure out how to increase the AI default difficulty, so overall I didn't see how this would help in the long run. Is there a way to set difficulty when you are converting from human to AI?
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