Today’s turn AAR is brought to you by ‘Simple Minds’.
So diplomacy is finally starting to take place as we meet our neighbors. I had sent a message to R’leyh basically confirming that he got the waters and I got local lands. Its not like I could go into the waters to dispute this even if I wanted to so it doesn’t really change anything. His answer was,
Originally Posted by slimy water tentacle things
“Sure, I'll stay off the land, at least in your corner. I do have a Fomoria on overdrive sitting in my face...”
I also get this from Pangea,
Originally Posted by big guy with horns and hair
Greetings from Pangaea to Arcoscephale.
I may be mistaken, but I believe you might be in the southwestern part of the map, in which case your western neighbor would be Abysia.
If that is the case, you may find it interesting to learn Abysia is busy invading Pangaea to its east, and hasn't expanded to the west very much. Any action you could take to piss him off would reward you with my gratitude. I might also send in some Nature gems by the way.
Hope things are going better for you, I don't like early wars when the other nation is suited for it and not mine.
So things are starting to take form on the world stage. Told you things would get more exciting soon…
Well, this turn we finally managed to bid successfully on some mercs; I had been trying for awhile but most low-balling (Stupid me!).
Just as we hear of the dangers of big, bad formoria, we find out that he’s our northern neighbor. Oh Gently Caress!

Our battle with the horse archers went splendidly however. (I won’t bother showing you a screenshot- its pretty much just another indie battle- I’ll take a picture of more interesting battles as they take place).
What perhaps is of slightly more interest is a coordinate attack from three different provinces on a province with crystal amazons. I think these can be tough so I decided to throw everything I had at them.
You can see from the forces lined up that I hired a few wolf tribe archers. We have no archers (slingers DO NOT count) so they will have to do.
Next turn we’ll probably take those crystal amazons… probably…