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Old May 5th, 2012, 12:58 AM

Bat/man Bat/man is offline
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Default Re: Recruiting! (Map vote default Faerun) noob and experienced 8 players signed up

I'd be in, but not for Faerum.
Executor is less terse than I am - but that map really is a disaster. Games really do crap out when they get too large.

You get too many summons - new summons don't work.
Units don't move - etc.

Take a look at shadow shore - beautiful map, dominions world.
(Faerun is great - for D&D.).

If its Early Age - put me down for Arco. Certainly not one of the powerhouse nations = )

Oh. Arco, Mictlan, and Lanka are taken. Care to add the Single Age mod (which lets any nation any era play?

If it is Single Age, I've been hankering to play LA-Ulm.
If not... Ermor.
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