There was a game last year played to completion on the Faerun map, Troubling Times, and AFAIK it was the first game played on Faerun on these forums that did manage a proper finish. But every game played on Faerun to date has always had a load of problems, even the above one, and such a large map can not be recommended in any way to players that are new to playing Dominions MP games (as Dominions does not scale up anything like as well as other TBS games do. Civ, GalCiv etc.). Plus the pretty much certain problems the map causes are also something to be avoided as a first time game admin.
And as others have said, it can not be stressed enough how bad an idea such a large player-province ratio is. Anything over 20 is asking for trouble later in the game. And I would also like to add that I think it's very important that new players should begin their MP gaming experience with regular games so that they get a good idea of what playing MP games is like. And new players should not choose such grand scale games as their first MP game, as they don't provide anything like a proper taste of what MP games are really like. And in most cases they completely put players off playing further MP games due to how quickly everything becomes unmanagable and a never ending time drain.(which are issues that get multiplied by the size of the map)
So if you are a new player then please start with some normal games (~15 provinces per player) so that you can get a genuine idea of how MP games tend to play out. As by doing that you will be doing yourself a massive favour, and you will also be doing the game justice by not getting the wrong impression of it due to your first game being played with some ill advised game settings.
But good luck with your game whatever you decide.
Originally Posted by Bat/man
You get too many summons - new summons don't work.
Unit limit increases from patches have largely removed this problem in all but the largest of all ages games. A 70+ turn game on Faerun 4 years ago with Maenads and Lanka ghouls didn't encounter this problem, and the limits have been increased again since that time.