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Old May 6th, 2012, 08:58 PM
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jimkehn jimkehn is offline
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jimkehn is on a distinguished road
Default Father of Winters

I am playing EA Agartha and I am battling Caelum who has W8 Father of Winters Pretender. In the last battle I had about 15 trogs and about the same number of ancient ones (with an F8 bless) get attacked by this guy. His defense was 26. His Magic resistance is 19. My poor Ancient ones even blessed could not hit him. Obviously the trogs were helpless and were just dead meat. I am wondering how I take him down??? Oh...btw...I just found a magic site that builds Lore Masters which mathematically COULD become S3. He is as of now alone in a province....I dont have any astral but as native agartha I have plenty of earth and some decent fire mages..and death mages. So.....MR is so high I am not sure what will work on him mage wise. I thought if I could tire him out....Curse of stones then rush him with undead chaff??? Will that do it??? IF i ever get an S3 out of the Lore Masters, would Soul Slay work??? I doubt it cuz his magic resistance is so high. Is there some way I can try to cause Feeble Mind? HAHA.... I am thinking the best way is to try and exhaust him with curse of stones...maybe throw a couple combustions or maybe some damage over time death spell like decay to add to his fatigue??? Any suggestions??
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