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Old May 8th, 2012, 09:18 AM

legowarrior legowarrior is offline
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Default Re: Jade Emperor for T'ien ch'i MA?

I tried Death and Nature in a game, it didn't not go great. As I recall, I ended up with a ton of Fire Gems and Air gems, that I could barely use. Also, getting the rings without empowerment is nearly impossible without strong astral on your pretender. I wasted a ton of gems empower an alchemist in fire, and a master in astral, just to get Zmeys and rings. With Asstral 4-5 I can start getting the rings earlier in the game.

Also, I tend to go heavy misfortune, so my preferred research is the Imperial Geomancer. Stops most bad events and I can put them all together for a reverse gift from heaven communion.

Minister of magic is fine for research is fine, but when I have a castle with out a lab, it builds a consort, those ladies are awesome. Besides, what is the point to a minister of Magic when you can't even do any research with him?
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