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Old May 8th, 2012, 11:55 AM

legowarrior legowarrior is offline
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Default Re: Jade Emperor for T'ien ch'i MA?

Originally Posted by Bat/man View Post
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Personally, the heat/cold scale you use should depend on the game.

I tend to go to extremes on heat in order to take less negatives on luck or growth.

But the choice of the heat scale should depend on your neighbors - or at least the game participants.

If you know that you will be fighting abysia and machaka, or lizards, or agartha choose cold scales.

If you know that there will be water nations or death nations - choose heat.

Finally consider if your opponents are more susceptible to exhaustion (fatigue) than you are. Fatigue can help you if so.
Yes, yes, that I realize. Temp Scales (when you don't benefit) depend on who you are fighting against. But that doesn't answer the question of asymmetry of choosing between temp scales or misfortune for the T'ien Ch'i. Misfortune can be handled by the high pd and Fortune Teller ability, but it can hurt gem income and the like. Also, it is the question of whether Growth Scales are worth if it comes to adding misfortune or temp scales.
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