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Old May 8th, 2012, 10:42 PM

Mightypeon Mightypeon is offline
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Default Re: Multi-Player After Action Report (Now Discussing Turns up to 8-9)

Having played in both communities:
-Goons typically prefer "I will not attack you in the next 10 turns" agreements over NAP 3s. I have come to share this view, cancelling a NAP 3 gives your opponent clear evidence you are going for him, quitly letting the 10 turn no war pact slide does not. There are also "We will not attack each other unless the other is looking really weak" pacts, which I recently had with thedemon. It stuck untill effing midgard ran away with the game because effing Mictlan put up Astral Corrpution and a Doom Horror at my mega gate stone troop leader (heroic leadership, he actually was not very strong otherwise....)
-Shrapnell players tend to view a non aggression based agreement as neccessary for trading/cooperating/sharing information. Goons do on occassion trade with people they are at war with.
-I would say that role playing is a bit more difficult in goon games, because the single mega thread + IRC is not very suited for it.
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