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Old May 10th, 2012, 07:24 PM

Valerius Valerius is offline
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Default Re: War against tengu

Originally Posted by legowarrior View Post
Quickening might be possible. How about the Shinuyama vampires, with a few items, could they stall them? Does spell penetration help their auto casted ability?
The Shuten-doji? I haven't played Shin, only fought them, but I don't recall seeing these used. Looking at their stats they don't seem like they'd survive for long.

Originally Posted by legowarrior View Post
On that same note, what is the best way to arm shura?
Shura are nice thugs but against damage multiplying weapons I don't think they'll fare well (since I'm assuming these weapons are magic and being ethereal won't help them). When they were used against me they were effective raiders with fairly light gear. You could go with a 5 gem item like luck or the hated (by me, anyway) lychantropos' amulet. And elemental resistances depending on the opposition. Of course used with an army you can put all kinds of buffs on them ranging from quickness to protection.

But I do think high prot non-undead thugs could be useful in this situation. If these are basically tengu with magic weapons then they should be doing base 17 damage, 21 with strength of giants. A protection of around 30 with a vine shield and some regen might do the trick. A sleeper or even a bakemono general could work. If you want to spend more, maybe an ettin. But if the tengu, etc., are buffed with weapons of sharpness then things get more difficult.

Since tengu are storm flyers you can't shut them down and that initial attack will be hard hitting. But this also means when they attack they will spread out, which will give you an opportunity to swarm them and reduce that defense.

And since your units have darkvision 50 and undead take no penalties under darkness I think this would be a nice way to even those stats. Some of those crappy skeletons might even land a hit.

You could also hand out some vine bows and set them to fire flyers to pin down some of the tengu.

Basically I think you need enough chaff to absorb his initial attack and occupy his elites while your mages do their work, along with darkness to even the playing field, and maybe some thugs/SCs mixed in as well.

One other thing about fatigue: it might be fun to start off the battle with a few penetration boosted castings of curse of stones. Add environmental effects such as grip of winter as appropriate.
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