Re: Conceptual Balance Mod v1.92
I was messing around with EA Agartha recently, which is one of my favorite nations, and I really like what CBM has done with it, but it strikes me as kind of underwhelming how boring their underwater recruits are. It feels like a nation that's almost entirely amphibious should have something besides Wet Ones to recruit down there, even if it's just for completion's sake.
So I was wondering what the thought is about giving them some sort of Olm recruit in their underwater forts. I think Olms have a really cool aesthetic, so I'd love to see more of them, and you'd think that an underwater Agarthan fort is where you'd find them.
I'm not entirely sure what form they would take though. The wiki is down so it's tricky to check exactly what Olms are already present in the game. I know there's the Ageless Olm pretender, and the sacred Olmspawn it generates. There's also a non-sacred Olm mage hero and some Olmspawn priest-mage heroes.
Does anyone else know of any other Olms present in the game, or have an opinion on EA Agartha getting Olms in general?