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Old May 11th, 2012, 07:15 PM

Valerius Valerius is offline
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Default Re: War against tengu

Yeah, my answer was directed towards large battles, not dealing with raiding, so I made assumptions that Jomon would have arrow fend, a protection buff, etc. and didn't really talk about the vulnerabilities of low prot and no shield.

Just to add to FG and rdonj's good suggestions:

Experiment with different thug builds. Lightning immunity is a given and then you just have to see how much protection you need to prevent the tengu from hurting your thug. I think you'll reach a point where, barring an unlucky role, your thugs can handle basically any amount of tengu (unless of course they are buffed with weapons of sharpness). Combine that with an AOE attack or a defense like fire shield or soul vortex and you should be in good shape. Everyone's favorite raider, the zmey, would probably do a nice job clearing out tengu. His protection might not be enough so if you have indie S mages you could add on body ethereal. Here, away from those damage multiplying weapons, I think Shura definitely have a role to play. I think a snake bladder stick would make a nice weapon because of it's large AOE and that will synergize nicely with the shura's fear. The question will be how much additional gear does he need. Almost certainly a vine shield and likely also something to boost protection. An ettin with a vine and charcoal shield and BE would also work nicely.

As much as possible don't give Jomon time to buff. Archers up front, zmey attacking immediately, etc. Keep in mind that if he doesn't have a province to retreat to all you need is to cause a route, not even to kill all the opposing force. And given how cheap the tengu are the real prize will be killing his commanders.

Edit: And I think it's definitely worth running some tests with quickened bakemono warriors.

Last edited by Valerius; May 11th, 2012 at 07:29 PM..
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