Re: Conceptual Balance Mod v1.92
Actually looking at it again, the Olm hero appears to just be a scaled down Ageless Olm sprite anyway, so there's probably no harm in scaling it farther if needed. The hero's description also says that it has "huge proportions", which being size 3 would mean that a normal sized Olm would probably be size 2. (I was also wrong before, he Olm hero is sacred, but normal Olms probably wouldn't be, as the Agarthan idea of "Sacred" seems to be "Bigger than normal")
Also thinking about it more, having Olms as normal troops would probably be a bad idea, because they have mind blasts, and giving Agartha mind blast troops would just be silly. So maybe a low level mage recruit would work better, something like 1W1E or 1W+1WE. It wouldn't open any new paths up, but it would give Agartha something to recruit if they manage to take a fort from an actual water nation.