I personally think that the game result, Bretton win, is inevitable.
However, Nehk is so well defended that it may take a *very* long time to take his VP. While erecting a stellar defense I don't Nehk can hope to mount a meaningful, game changing, counter offensive.
Of course Bretoon can try to take another VP, and for that matter any other VP is less defended than what Nehk has (as I learned this very turn

). But such a maneuver will also take quite a long time.
So either we call this game over now or prolong it for who knows how long just to get to the same immutable result. Now, as much as I love dominions, I can't say I'm enjoying these last turns. I find them boring and tedious and it's sheer discipline that keeps me doing them pedantically.
So, I would appreciate not prolonging the game but of course can cont. dutifully playing these extremely tedious turns for the weeks or months to come if any of you think there's a chance to turn this game around.