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Old May 13th, 2012, 09:46 PM

Immaculate Immaculate is offline
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Default Re: Multi-Player After Action Report (Now Discussing Turns up to 8-9)

Turn Ten:

Today’s turn AAR is brought to you by Peter Gabriel. About time I say!

So last time I posted, I was outlining an assault on some crystal amazons after herding all my forces together. I was expecting them to be tough so I threw lots of pixelmen at them.

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We do suffer some losses- a lot of mind burns and a few arrows.

Getting back to some diplo.

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I actually got pretty nervous about this and wasn’t sure if it was a declaration of war or not. I asked some other players to see if they got similar messages and they didn’t so I expected war. I then wrote to Corinthian to ask him straight up if it was a declaration of war and he said no. But then I asked him for a NAP(3) and he said “he didn’t believe in them for a LP”- which actually makes perfect sense but drove my paranoia considerably.

So yeah…

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Remember those philosophers? They are sort of doing what they are supposed to do… hitting the books hard that is… and it seems to be working. Caelum is out-nerding me… but not by a lot.

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And here is what the map looks like for a minor corner power.
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