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Old May 14th, 2012, 05:53 AM

Calahan Calahan is offline
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Those (O3P2H3D3M2M1) are a really awful set of scales, and will likely lead to a poor game. They are mainly bad due to some fundamental problems...

1 - CBM 1.92's new Growth/Death scale pop settings make taking Death scales a lot more unpalatable than before. Death 3 costs your capital around 1k pop every 4 turns compared to 1k 6 turns under the old settings. This is a significant change and could make D3 close to unplayable in any regular game (ie. non-blitz)

2 - Saying that "Order and production are there for the money" while combining them with Death 3 is just bad logic, as you are paying a high cost for an income multiplier on a figure you are then choosing to decrease at the fastest rate. I just ran a quick test....

O3P2H3D3M2M1 (your scales). Starting cap population of 29550

turn 1 - Income 365
turn 9 - Income 337, population down to 27490 (all scales same, no events or seasonal changes that affected scales or pop)

O3S1H3G0M2M1 (same scales except -3P and +3G). Starting cap population of 29770

turn 1 - Income 346.

So by turn 9 your scales are already bringing in less capital income than you would get by just swapping 3 scales of Production for 3 scales of Growth, meaning your scales designed for income brought in only +~250g in those turns, after which you are just losing money, and fast. And I don't think the results from the rest of your empire will improve the income from your scales compared to just this one alternative I've given (there are other alternatives for scales)

I won't ocmment too much on the rest of your build, but I would add Agartha can expand fine with just Trogs. Yes they are expensive but they don't need a bless, so Indy commanders can lead them without compromising their effectiveness. They also cost 1 resource to build so allow Sloth 3. Mass Trogs can also open up, and discourage, rushes better than your Sacreds will (depending on the other nation involved).

Selecting scales for EA Agartha is a bit tricky is general, as their cap has low admin meaning you gain less resources from neighbours (and less gold from your cap). But then the only troop this really affects are the Seal Guards, and I wouldn't personally be recruitng too many of these (too slow/expensive/poor), plus you have Trogs that were made for Sloth 3. EA Agartha look a tempting nation to take Death with due to their Never Eat troops, and so you can go high Death to hurt attackers. But Agartha are a fairly money intensive nation due to all their mages needing a Lab and Temple to recruit (and not being that cheap or cost effective), and as I mentioned taking Death 3 in CBM 1.92 is a tough sell that likely won't end well. I won't even go into the events Death + Misfortune can open up (which you will struggle to negate in your cap with fortune tellers until well ino mid-game unless you recruit Earth Readers there at the expense of getting Oracles)

But all IMO.
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