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Old May 14th, 2012, 10:38 AM

Boksi Boksi is offline
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Default Re: EA Agartha - The Not Exactly a Guide [CBM]

Thanks for all these replies! I'm really grateful for them, especially the ones that say 'This is stupid, don't do this'

I'll definitely take all this under consideration.

Originally Posted by llamabeast View Post
I believe the PD auto cast of darkness is going to be removed in the next release of CBM.
This is correct. They will get some alternative way of laying down Darkness in chosen provinces, but it won't be via PD any more. PD Darkness appears to be significantly overpowered.
That's interesting. I guess I won't be emphasizing 20 PD in my strategy, then. How will it work, though? A normal summon that's immobile seems too limited, since you'd need labs everywhere for them. A normal summon that's mobile is too powerful to be anything but a late-game summon. A remote summon, whether or not it's mobile, might be hilarious but I'm not so sure it's a good idea.

Personally, I'd suggest a roundabout method - A normal summon that's mobile and can change shape into a second unit that isn't mobile and has #firstshape. The #firstshape turns it into an immobile unit that autocasts darkness. Possibly give that last unit a gold cost so you can't just slap it down wherever.
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