Re: EA Agartha - The Not Exactly a Guide [CBM]
In your obviously *vast* knowledge of Agartha, I wonder if you've actually tried a few games multiplayer with them.
Since you claim so much experience - please do list for me the multiplayer games you've played with Agartha - in your infinite wisdom. And I'd love to hear the ones you've won.
Because I, for one, would love to hear how you deal with the extremely high attrition rate that expansion with trogs requires.
I'd love to hear how you handle trog shuffling.
And you're right - I'm lousy with numbers. I forget does a trog have an 8 MR or a 9? I'd love to hear how you compensate for spending thousands of gold on units so that, when you are finished with the indie phase of the game fall prey to virtually any magic counter.