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Old May 14th, 2012, 02:26 PM
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Default Re: EA Agartha - The Not Exactly a Guide [CBM]

I dont know why people say this is a weak nation. I find it strong even with no mod.

The troops are probably the best for late game: no need to eat, high HPs ,siege bonus and amphibious. All what you need of your troops. The real damage is done by thugs and mages so

You have kickass earth mages. Capable of petrify thugs and evocations on troops.

You have the best SC pretender. The oracle: high HPs, immortal, enc=0.

Expand with troglodytes. Its easy, you just really need order to get the money.

Order+Sloth+Heat(coldblooded)+Growth+Luck(or not)+magic

Your oracles are lvl 3 priests so they can preach your dominion. No real need of high dominion.

You are not invincible but neither are the rest of the nations.

Ive used them in MP and they worked just fine. Ive survived an inasion by niefelheim (using Baalz niefel guide) and invaded Ermor before Ulm won by unanimous decision.
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