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Old May 14th, 2012, 02:29 PM

Bat/man Bat/man is offline
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Bat/man is an unknown quantity at this point

Oh and yeah lets see: 40 trogs 2000 gold. If they live call it 133 gold maintainence.

40 Boulder throwers: Oh, yeah, I forget, I'm bad with numbers- whats production cost 35? 1400 gold. Maintenance of what 46 per turn?

Whats that you say? The cost of the maintenance on the trogs exceeds the savings on the Growth scale?

No - that isn't so - the great calahan says so. So you're absolutely right Oh Great Calahan! IF you can expand to a huge empire with Agartha the costs of death scale dwarf the costs of maintenance.

Of course, thats exactly the problem every person reports with Agartha. How to handle the burdens of their huge empire.
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