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Old May 14th, 2012, 02:57 PM

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Default Re: EA Agartha - The Not Exactly a Guide [CBM]

Originally Posted by Torin View Post
you dont need 40 trogs for expanding. Maybe you need to practice against the AI to get the numbers right. 8 trogs can defeat most of the indys. The more the better though.
Remember they can trample even cavalry.

Later you can use de 10 gold infantry. I find the more expensive ancient ones really a waste of money.

I'm not saying you need 40 trogs to expand. You're right that 8 trogs can take many indy provinces. But the list of things that can kill 8 trogs are mindblowingly large.

Undead. Cavalry. Markatas. Barbarians. Longbowman. Blood henge druids. Sometimes wolf tribes.

If you use trogs as your expansion vehicle, and if you make an expansion team every other turn = 6*8= 48 trogs.

And I'm also not saying don't use trogs. But I am saying that under CBM, the boulder throwers get AOE on their boulders which is a huge upgrade.
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