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Old May 14th, 2012, 03:08 PM
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Soyweiser Soyweiser is offline
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Default Re: EA Agartha - The Not Exactly a Guide [CBM]

Bat/man, should tone it down a bit. You have less wins than Calahan, and you constantly show that you clearly don't understand the game that much. (And you also constantly appeal to wins you should have, which are not logged or registered, Calahan has a way better understanding than you have from the game. And due to the way Calahan plays, he has little time for playing games).

From our personal messaging (regarding the usage of dome of corruption to boost your province scales to m3):

You cannot cast returning with a S1 mage. Returning requires a gem. To boost a s1 mage to s2 you need a gem. The max number of gems a s1 mage can use, you guessed it 1. So your trick doesn't even work.

And I really hope you aren't thinking about using the turkey mages to mesmerize the horrors. Vs mr 18/20 that isn't going to work.

And domkill isn't a flavour du jour, if you knew anything it has even decreased. Because the knifes have been made artifacts nowadays.

Luck 3 on EA Mitclan : baalz suggests you use it. (you know, synergy with turmoil).

You should really tone down. Or we could make the pm even more public. It will only humiliate you further .
I'm acting like a high school girl /\
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