Originally Posted by mrlich
Do the people here recommend CBM for playing offline against the AI or is the latest official patch enough? If they recommend it, do I just need the latest official patch to install it? What is the latest version?
First off, yes, patch to the latest version(3.27 I think) as any mod that still gets use will have been updated to work with the latest version of the game. Look up the shrapnel site for the game, the download link to the patch will be there somewhere.
As for recommending cbm for playing "offline" against the AI, it really depends on how you want to play. CBM removed gem generators like clams (well, made them const. 8, unique), so if that's what you're into, play vanilla. I found this game a few years ago looking for sp like Master of Orion or Master of Magic and thought playing "online" MP was not for me. In almost no time, I was playing pbem MP. Comfortable pace, no direct connect to somebody else's computer (which would have turned me off to it), and the changes made for cbm are not made by some autocratic forum guru who must be followed blindly or you're not cool; they're made after long discussion open to input from all, and are for the purpose of making the game more fun. So, yes, I would recommend cbm for SP, but going further, I would recommend MP. It's just a better game imho.