Originally Posted by decourcy
I think that almost always paying for a high end bless is a trap and not worth the hobbling of your nation to do it, but for Niefel, pfah, it works.
Just because nobody spammed earth meld or life for a life in that game doesn't make it that great of a tactic. Also, nobody remote attacked your capital. (each turn it is locked down, is one less SC) Skelly spam under heat dominion. Etc. A nation build on a single trick is a nation easily defeated. With 150 a piece troops, and 600 a piece commanders, there isn't enough gold to properly do multiple tactics.
I think, Astral is THE anti-SC path. Just stellar cascade all SC you see.
Sure, but those need a few more mages. Which imho isn't the easy way. I was referring more to the simple hold fast spells. cascades is a battle winner if massed enough. But in theory you are right. Once the barrage begins, the SC is history.