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Old May 19th, 2012, 04:11 PM
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Default Re: Multi-Player After Action Report (Now Discussing Turns up to 8-9)

R'lyeh ~~ Turn 13

Our research has been pretty abysmal so far. Nevertheless, we have
reached something of a way point. The first school we researched was
Conjuration, and this turn the busy monster fish have succeeded in
unlocking the secrets of the second level.

As you can see, the spell we're most interested in is Dark knowledge, a
remote site searching spell. Finds all death sites in a province, costs
three death gems, one more than most other site searching spells. There
are also some actual summons we could use, but we're not interested in
them. We're waiting for more powerful stuff.

For now, the new research target is thaumaturgy 2:

We're aiming for a bunch of different site search spells and more
importantly this one:

Could come in very handy to move out mages quickly. Could be we're not
going to use it, but if there's a problem in the southwest, the big
stuff can arrive quickly.

There is an interesting development in the distant south east:

Looks like war. Let's play vulture.

Like Leprechauns, the Abominable Mind Eaters of the Deep bring good luck!

A great victory for the heroic diplomatic corps of R'lyeh. Note that
I'm not all that surprised; I doubt that Excist wants me to jog his
elbow, and this way he doesn't have to divert resources to keep those
provinces pacified. "Nice war you're having here, be a shame if
something happened to it..." LdiCesare, on the other hand, is hardly in
a position to object.

Obviously I'd have preferred the whole island, but let's not get greedy
now. More greedy, I mean. Not right now, that is.

Meanwhile, in the sea of Underhome, off the Fomorian coast, the traitor
pronce Ra'ntegoth has completed our third fortress. He and Auluudh
march south to conquer the land we claimed.

In R'lyeh, a momentous event has occured:

So sue me, I lied again. Here's the host of mermen:

And here's a close-up of one of these miserable creatures:

Hmmm, morale 10 isn't horrible, compared to some other stuff we have. Nets can be very useful at times, too. It's a once-per-battle attack that if it hits reduces the target's defense massively and stops it from attacking until it breaks free. How long that takes is probably based on strength in some way.
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