Re: BSoD (Newbie, LA, CBM 1.92) [Started!]
Bone Daddy sends evil greetings our new tree hugger friend.
Please ignore the billowing clouds of black smoke and smell of charred bodies to your south. There's been a change of leadership in some of these provinces and with it comes a new Emorian management style that's so efficient that we actually don't need living people anymore.
I know. Impressive. Right?
Our people are so awed by it that they weep and cry with near continuous joy because they now have the luxury to spend more time with their families and pursue their hobbies without having to work or fight in our many defensive wars.
Admittedly, there's not much food down here, and it takes some effort to avoid those roving bands of hungry undead. It might also be a bit chilly outside of our fortresses. However, our practice of lining the walls of our fortresses with the smouldering bones of Abysian soldiers really helped a lot, but their bones are in short supply and our population has some concerns sharing a fort with a horde of zombies.
Anyway, you can just ignore those cries as well. They will pass soon, too.