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Old May 23rd, 2012, 01:40 AM
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Default Re: BSoD (Newbie, LA, CBM 1.92) [Started!]

Originally Posted by Shardphoenix View Post
OK, guys, I have news for you: either we dispell Well of Misery NOW - or Ermor wins in the near future. We need to pile up gems. Anyone got a high-level S mage?
Fellas. Fellas. Let's not be hasty here. Bone Daddy was just trying to do a service to the world and help raise everyone's standard of living. Seriously, some of my own zombies live better then some of your downtrodden citizens.

This is all part of Bone Daddy's altruistic "Giving Back" policy. There's nothing sinister here. There's nothing to see here. Just move along.

How come Ulm hates Bone Daddy so? We never hurt you. We don't know about the rest of you, but we smell a conspiracy by some of the dark Northern powers to use poor Bone Daddy as a scapegoat for their own misdeeds. How's your war going with C'tis, Ulm? Did you attack him just because he's a lizard? That seems to wrong to me. In Ermor we believe in quality for all corpses -- except for monkeys. But they no longer exist, so that point is moot now.

Anyway, don't dispel Well of Misery. We'll just cast it again. Muahahahahah.
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