May 26th, 2012, 04:28 AM
Join Date: Dec 2006
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Re: MP: New Noob Game/Inexperienced. EA - NOOBAPHOBIA Filled
Originally Posted by Flop
I'm afraid to ask, but I'm going to need an extension on the next turn (I already sent in my file for this turn), since I'll be travelling, and won't have access to my computer, until wednesday or thursday next week. If I could have an extension until, say, 15.00 GMT on thursday, that'd be awesome. I might be able to get my turn in wednesday night, but I'm not sure.
After this, my schedule should clear up a bit, so hopefully I won't need anymore extensions for a while. I'm kind of ashamed that I'm the one who keeps asking for them.
I'm cool from my end. Take as much time as you need. I'm having enough trouble taking my turns as it is (my other game is a massive time sink), so a bit of a break will be welcome. I might even be able to make some progress on my AAR.