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Old May 26th, 2012, 10:16 PM

mrlich mrlich is offline
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Default Re: Niefelheim vs Hinnom

I'm finding Niefelheim with a good N8E9 bless strategy to be more effective than Hinnom. Basically, Hinnom does not let you mass any sacred troops or even high level sacred researchers without catastrophic population devouring effects. Even their only sacred non-commander devours population. Pretty soon the population in that province gets really upset and finally becomes extinct. That's pretty catastrophic for a nation with really expensive sacred troops on which you're supposed to rely. So you're left with leading your armies with cyclops pretender and one or two sacred giants, one of whom you prophet. Anymore and it becomes a micromanaging battle to keep your population alive. No more than 1 giant per province!

It's just too long a wait for Lords of Civilization, which is a really high blood summon. And since you picked N and E for bless, you have to empower all the way from 2-3 blood magic skill which takes forever, not to mention research blood magic to the high levels.

With Niefelheim, you can start massing the niefel giants and jarls from turn 2.
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