What resolution and zoom level is optimal for an average sized monitor?
This game is potentially quite appealing, but I can't really figure out an acceptable way to view the battlefield. It's extremely frustrating to plan an advance and figure out future line of site in some of the bigger maps.
Playing zoomed in makes the game look good as you can enjoy the pixel art tanks and more importantly, you can actually pick out whether or not that blob of infantry is scouts, machine guns or just an AT team.
But because ranges are extremely long for many weapon systems, playing zoomed in makes it very difficult to maintain tactical awareness. In order to keep an eye out for threats and relevant terrain formations within, you'd need to be constantly scrolling the screen and scanning. The minimap is not really sufficient to provide a substitute for scrolling around as a means of obtaining a tactical overview, it is too small to see much.
On the other hand, playing zoomed really far out is rather awkward as well. The unit graphics become blurred and difficult to interpret very quickly and you can no longer tell at a glance whether or not there are multiple infantry in a hex, or whether or not you're looking at a full squad. Only the small flags next to each unit allow me to see anything at all. You can get a slightly better tactical overview, but significant scrolling is still required and it feels very easy to miss something, since you can't actually see the unit graphics.
Resolution is also a difficult question, at lower levels it increases the difficulty of seeing anything when zoomed out, but at higher resolutions the UI elements shrink to levels that cause eye strain. That's especially problematic when you're trying to read the text at the bottom with the unit name and stats. Not to mention a postage stamp sized minimap.
Is there a "sweet spot"? A combination of resolution and zoom level where you can see things comfortably?