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Old May 28th, 2012, 06:37 PM

Executor Executor is offline
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Default Re: The Ascension Wars: MA,12 players, no mods, newb friendly. [Year 4, 8/12 remainin

Thanks for the review of the game. I was certain you'd win after you took my lands. Did send an in game PM to Arco, Aby and BL on my way out suggesting they should team up against you but for what ever reason that didn't happen.
Actually I think Arco attacked Aby?
That was kinda hilarious from my perspective.

Anyway, I don't normally burn and pillage my own lands. But I did manage to get into battle with 5 different nations by turn 20ish, and with you being a water nation that was the only option I had to hurt you in any way. Actually, I'm surprised those who attacked me didn't realize they were being used.

Congrats on the win.
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