Hello everyone, I thought here might be a good place to start.
I'm 24, living in Denmark and currently studying history. I ran across Dominions 3 while looking around for God-styled TBS games.
I was initially dissuaded, but have bought and played the game single player a bunch. During this time, I've also been lurking around the forum here a bunch
I suck at it, but I'm having a blast anyway. Though I actually found the AI somewhat challenging (I still trust PD too much and forgot to give my SC's things like Etherealness when against huge armies), I am toying with the idea of multiplayer.
This is not because I'm a masochist, but more because so far my games have resembled the uncoordinated flailings of a drunk koala far too much, on both sides, and I'd like to streamline my own play and fight actual people who can put considerations behind their actions
Hope to have fun around here!