Originally Posted by Grimgor
Reading that I couldn't help get associations of letting someone kick me in the stomach repeatedly, so I can learn the benefits of his technique :P Nonetheless, I'm sure it'll be fun 
As most people will attest, they had a lot of fun with the game for a long time.
And then got into MP and had more fun for a longer time.
To avoid the "kick in the stomach repeatedly" syndrome you might watch the MP forum for chances to substitute. Particularly to sub for angry players dropping out. The other players will welcome you. You dont have to do good. And you will get a chance to see how more experienced players do things.
Of course you will probably see them as you are getting your asskicked. But there is no pressure. You have the excuse that you took over a losing position. And you arent playing a nation you chose nor with a pretender-god that you built. The only hope anyone has for you is that you will be slightly more fun than turning it over to AI play. You get to go down swinging in grand and glorious epic battles with no regrets.
And remember to view the battles carefully, and ask questions.