Re: Juggernaut
"The chains of your Juggernaut burst when it was being pulled uphill. It accidentally crushed a young member of the militia. The event was seen as an evil omen and faith in you has decreased."
I would characterize that as one of the fun flavor events. Unless you're backed into your last fort using juggernauts to try and hold up your few remaining candles against a dom kill, this isn't all that bad. And in that scenario, I think you've already lost.
Or maybe you decided to GoR some militia chaff guy and turn him into your prophet? Nope, the juggernaut still did you a favor.
Now if this event happened frequently it might be a fun way to get rid of some those annoying militia that your luck scales keep saddling you with. Your dominion goes down in the bad event due to the disappointment that only 1 militia was crushed. There should be a corresponding good event in which 10 militia are killed and your dominion increases.