Thread: Juggernaut
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Old June 5th, 2012, 12:55 PM

Peter Ebbesen Peter Ebbesen is offline
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Default Re: Juggernaut

Generally speaking, I must agree with those who find Juggernauts not worth their price unless you are in desperate need of size 6 trampers with a lot of hitpoints (a niche use if ever there was one).

For any other fighting purposes, loading up on SCs or thugs of your choice rather than Juggernauts is a better use of astral gems, and blood sacrificing is so much better for dominion spread purposes that anybody planning a domkill with Juggernauts should have his head examined.

That said, I did have immense fun in a MP game creating a stack of 17 Juggernauts to gateway deep into enemy territory (seize strategically important province, create instant magic castle via three red seconds while construction lab, gateway in Juggernauts). With a high base dominion, they were amazing at flipping enemy dominion on demand. (Errr, but that was a rather peculiar MP game overall; Definitely not worth doing in general, but if you have a nasty global up like Strands of Arcane Power it makes somewhat more sense. Even them, in many another situation another 2-3 decently equipped Seraphs would have been a better investment, but sometimes.. sometimes you just need something unusual to break a deadlock and demoralize the opposition).
When I said Death before Dishonour, I meant alphabetically.
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