Originally Posted by Bat/man
Originally Posted by dojango
If you're referring to our little scuffle, there hasn't been any "commander blocking". Movement orders are being resolved in a screwy manner. You moved your armies from province A -> B and C -> B while I moved my armies from B -> C and D -> C. End result? Army A and B fought in province B while C and D fought in province C. I won one of those battles and you won one.
I'm not talking about moving armies A,B, C, D.
I'm talking that in the last 3 turns 4 scouts have attacked one army. So I'm just asking an end to solo leader attacks.
When army movements don't go through, the army defaults to patrolling. You're catching scouts who have been hiding in that province, or who are stealthing in to spy on that province (or who are carrying resupply gems for the army that failed to move).