Re: Valhalla's heroes - LA - (running)
I went with a great enchantress. I hadn't fully internalized that Zmeys are kind of like hammers used to be; you either have them or you will be at a disadvantage throughout the game. So I only had F2 on her. Anyrate, I used skinshifters and ponymans to expand, ran into Marignon and Bogarus as my neighbors. Decided to attack Bogarus first because I was jealous of his lormasters and Adepts of the X Orders. Never got my economy rolling, though, so I was always lacking troops and mages. Maybe shoulda attacked Marignon first. Almost had Bogarus down, but his Rusalka knocked out some crucial commanders when I was storming the capital, and so he survived... was gonna try and domkill him, but the greater war intervened.
Shishis might be good zmey-counters, but they're no substitute for raiding... they got trapped behind your lines and killed before I could evac them. There was never really any contest; I killed a few of your SCs through their logical counters, but I was drowning under them by then.