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Old June 17th, 2012, 03:28 PM
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Default Re: Defeating Ashen Ermor?

Originally Posted by Executor View Post
Really? It`s not MR negatable and it worked just fine for me. Killing up to hundred of units per battle turn.

EDIT: It indeed works just fine. Killed 2000 undead in about battle 10 turns for me.
Ehhm no? The undead killing part is resistible and it only have penetration 8. The reason why it will still kill longdead units is because they have poor MR and few HP and it will hit 50% of them every turn. At 5 AP damage I guesstimates it might kill some 12% of all longdeads each turn. Slightly better than storm of vengeance witch would kill some 9% imho.

Still completely negligible vs undeads with actual armor or MR. I used it with a bunch of LA C'tis tomb king on the battlefield. They all had MR 19 (from drain) and they were barely touched during the long battle. More of them went blind than took any damage.
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