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Old June 18th, 2012, 03:55 PM

Ossa Ossa is offline
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Default Re: Cursed be Iron - 7/12 still fighting...

Actually I belive the game is far from finished at the moment.
Pythium is the largest nation, with the most income gem and coin wise. They are the silent powerhouse and have very few to gain from conquering the small sattelite nations - I wonder how they will far against Jotunheim.

I dont dare to take the remains of Ulm or Agartha because then I might seem to be to powerful for Pythium. On the other hand I believe I could stop and conquer Jotunheim if I really tried. I have so incredibly many blood slaves in my dungeons its not remotely funny any more. I believe though Pythium has more than 2000 gems stacked up by now.

I'd vote to let Marignon go ai, he's dead in the water anyways, and continue.
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