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Old June 18th, 2012, 06:16 PM

krpeters krpeters is offline
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Default Re: Cursed be Iron - 7/12 still fighting...

I don't mind letting Marginon go AI... like everyone says, he's pretty gutted at this point.

As for the Jotenheim / Pangaea / Pythium war... well, I am pretty newbish, so I have no doubt Jot and Pang could crush me if they ganged up on me. Which is why my present strategy is, erm, unconventional. Especially since I have no easy way to get troops over to Jotenheim anyway.

So I'll leave it to the more experienced players to decide what to do from here. I don't object to anyone declaring victory, or, if they prefer, beating up on a newb

Just one thought though -- have a look at the dominion chart before deciding one way or the other.

Last edited by krpeters; June 18th, 2012 at 06:24 PM.. Reason: giving away my ultra-noob strategy
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