Thread: Blood SCs
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Old June 21st, 2012, 08:01 PM
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Default Re: Blood SCs

Originally Posted by JonBrave View Post
Originally Posted by brxbrx View Post
I wish blood magic were more practical.

Maybe a few spells where the caster uses his own blood? Obviously they wouldn't be as powerful as the ones that need slaves, but they could still be pretty cool.
I assume(?) brxy is referring to same situation as I find: even trying to be careful with battle-blood-casts and slave location, it's hard to do much in blood battle without using slaves, and then it's hard not to get them all used up (e.g. on imps) throughout battle, whether you meant to or not.

Then again, I could be beyond hopeless...
I was mostly just referring to the idea of blood magic, and how carrying around a bunch of slaves with you to cast a single spell would be unwieldy in the setting.

And also because blood slaves are, I think, vulnerable. What happens if your caster is an Abysian warlock or has a stronger aura of another sort? Bye bye, blood slaves.
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